Monday, April 1, 2013

Real Sourdough Versus Wheat Bread

Has Wheat/Yeast Bread Put Us in Jeopardy?

For Thousands of years naturally leavened, wholesome grain Sourdough, was considered to be an unquestioned staple in our diet.

More and more we are hearing reports about wheat bread and other wheat products being in jeopardy of losing that status.

Millions of people have discovered that some or all of their suffering and illness may be related to wheat and wheat products. Gluten, which is wheat's primary binding ingredient, is at the core of the issue. There are other concerns as well.

Bloating, indigestion, weight gain, lethargy, autoimmune issues and serious diseases such as Celiac are suspect. Celiac attacks the small intestine and creates difficulty in digesting food.

Celiac disease has increased over 50% since 1960.

Has Wheat Bread Been Compromised?

I for one, believe that our food sources have been compromised in three key aspects.

Number One: The way most of our food is grown is suspect, due to all the pesticide and herbicide usage, toxicity levels, and the concentration on volume. Now we also have to be concerned about GMO's - Genetically Modified Organisms!

It is well know in scientific circles, that higher uses of fertilizer equals correspondingly lower nutritional values and higher starch and gluten content.

Secondly: Most of our foods are over-processed. It is my contention that a lot of nutritional value is lost in this step. When wheat is processed to make white flour, they remove much of the germ and the bran fiber.

Thirdly: We must be concerned how flour is turned into bread dough. Yeast plays a key role.

If our food supply had the nutrition levels of even a 100 years ago, I dare say, there would be a great deal less need for antacids products and the like. Maybe even chemo therapy, etc..

If our country was really concerned about Health Care, this would be a great place to start.

The chance of this happening is slim to zero.

I'm afraid the green "dough" has ruled in this whole process and we consumers are the losers.

Nutrition is at the bottom of the list.

Healthy Sourdough Bread is My Choice

I made a decision recently to reduce and minimize my intake of wheat products. I did this because I have had severe stomach issues in the past and while my supplement regime (which includes daily probiotics and enzymes), has helped a great deal, I felt it might be time to add another element to my approach.

I can't imagine how anyone can give up wheat entirely - it's in so many foods. Breads, Cereals, Pasta, Pastries, Crackers, Pizza, Meatless Entrees. You get the idea.

I think bread would be the hardest to give up. For me and my diet, it is a staple.

So, I have turned my attention to Sourdough Bread and 100% Whole Wheat Organic Flour - non GMO preferably.

Photo by Author

Turning Flour Into Healthy Bread

The process of turning quality whole wheat flour into wholesome Sourdough bread is entirely different than the typical bread on most grocery store shelves.

Yeast was introduced just in the last 100 years or so. Before that, all bread was made by using only the natural starter that exists in flour and water. Sourdough's fermentation secret is inherent in Mother Nature's bacteria and yeasts, which is in the flour itself, as well as the water and the air.

Somehow this process makes the gluten and starch in sourdough more digestible and the sugar content easier for the body to absorb

Commercial breads cannot begin to match this process.

Does Healthy Sourdough Bread Work For Us?


I saw a clear difference in a matter of days. I simply felt better. When I eat less than stellar wheat products, feeling better suffers.

Once you train your pallet for the healthy benefits of sourdough, no matter what healthy grain you chose - white, whole wheat, rye, spelt, multi-grain, etc., all other breads can no longer compare.

My wife was diagnosed with lupus back in 2006. She has been on a special diet ever since. Sourdough is the only bread that she can eat without side effects.

My next goal is to start making my own Sourdough products. I have my starter and I'm in the middle of getting ready to make my first loaf!

On Sourdough Taste

Sourdough does have a slightly sour taste. It's only a matter of a short time before your pallet comes to the place where it will thoroughly enjoy the flavor.

If you are at all serious about the quality of the flour you want to use, look for stone milled, organic, non-GMO, 100% whole wheat, that is ground (not smashed) on slow turning cool stone.

Those that know bread, know that there is no better bread than Real Sourdough.

Has Wheat Bread Been Compromised?
  1. Great Report on Sourdough & Wheat
  2. Sourdough is My Choice
  3. Turning Flour Into Bread
  4. Has it worked for Us?
  5. Bread Mixers ?
  6. Great Sourdough Info and Recipe
  7. Take Note
  8. Activating Your Starter
  9. Feeding Your Activated Starter
  10. How to Make Sourdough Bread
  11. More From Floman

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