Monday, April 1, 2013

The Sota Magnetic Pulser

The Magnetic Pulser & Electromagnetic Therapy

The Magnetic Pulser provides balance to the body's existing natural electricity via a pulsed magnetic field. These gentle micro currents of electricity stimulate and energize living tissue by way of the conductive body cells.

What a way to compliment and sustain a healthy lifestyle.

It can be utilized anywhere on the human body. It can also be used on pets as well. That's right - it works for both people and pets. Some people even use the magnetic pulser on their plants.

Our body has been given the remarkable ability to heal itself through repairing and regeneration. While a great deal of this happens on it's own while we sleep, we can do our part with other natural remedies such as the Magnetic Pulser, which is one of several Electric Wellness Therapies readily available.

Non-electric Therapies, proper diet, appropriate exercise and positive thinking complete the package.

The Magnetic Pulser sits on a table between our two recliners. It gets used often while we are watching TV.

Magnetic Treatment & the Wellness Process

All comments regarding the benefits of this product are from either my own experience, family members, or some other individual and none of these written comments should be deemed as medical advice.

The current and most widely embraced hypothesis about electromagnetic therapy is that it attracts the iron in our hemoglobin, by which blood flow is increased and in turn improves both oxygen and nutrients. While all this is happening, unwanted toxins are being washed away.

This whole process ultimately impacts healing where ever the PEMFT (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy) is taking place.

I injured my back severely in my late twenties and then I fractured my 12th vertebrae via a ladder accident in either 1998 or 2001. New Xrays didn't reveal the fracture until 2005. This forced me into early retirement at the end of 2007.

I have had my Sota Magnetic Pulser for over two years. I wish I would have known about it before I had to retire.

When my back goes out big time, the right side of my rib cage shifts upward, and the left side shifts down. When that happens my breathing is definitely compromised and somewhat painful. It's times like that my recliner and the Magnetic Pulser come to the rescue.

Sota Instrument Reviews

I have read about great responses for bladder infection, healing FIP (feline infectious peritonitus), foot injuries, tooth aches, carpal tunnel, immune system, wounds and scratches, tissue regeneration, inflammation, circulation, fractures bones, skin diseases and HIV.

My wife feels better every time she uses the unit. The Magnetic Pulser goes with us on all extended trips.

My sister can now sleep through the night because she uses the Magnetic Pulser on her knee, and it only took four days to make that happen.
Sota Magnetic Pulser

  1. What Does the Doctor Say?
  2. Amazon
  3. Taking Your "Pulse"
  4. How Does This Unit Help the Wellness Process?
  5. More on Magnetic Pulsing
  6. The Magnetic Pulser and Sinus Wellness
  7. The Magnetic Pulser and Eye Wellness
  8. Share Your Thinking
  9. Amazon
  10. A Brief Description by an MD
  11. More Great Stuff on Amazon
  12. Another Magnetic Pulsator on Amazon
  13. More on Magnetic Therapy
  14. Please Share Your Electric Wellness Experience
  15. Other Floman Lenses

Another Natural Remedy to Consider

The Sacro Wedgy

The Sacro Wedgy was invented based on the original concept of using the hand and gravity to provide relaxation to the muscles and spinal alignment. It is used by both Massage Therapists and Craniosacral Therapists.

The sacrum is the wedge shaped bone in the center of your pelvis and just above your tailbone. It is often called the keystone of our anatomy.

I bought the sacro wedgy because of lower back pain and I thought it might be good to try a non-electric method as well. What a surprise I got.

Not only did it balance my spine and relax my muscles, but the very first time I used the unit, my sinuses began to clear up after just 15 minutes!!

I went to a Craniosacral Therapist back in 2010 for sinus issues that were interfering with my sleep patterns. I remember him doing the sacro part with his hand for about five minutes. I got relief, but it was only temporary.

At $50 a session my budget couldn't maintain that expense. Now I can get this same therapy for free seven days a week.

Now I use both the Magnetic Pulser and the SacroWedgy in my wellness regiment.

While I experienced immediate results, especially for my sinuses, this may not be the norm for everyone. The Sacro Wedgy is not to be considered as a quick fix approach, but it is definitely another great Home Health Tool to add to your Wellness arsenal.

Real Sourdough Versus Wheat Bread

Has Wheat/Yeast Bread Put Us in Jeopardy?

For Thousands of years naturally leavened, wholesome grain Sourdough, was considered to be an unquestioned staple in our diet.

More and more we are hearing reports about wheat bread and other wheat products being in jeopardy of losing that status.

Millions of people have discovered that some or all of their suffering and illness may be related to wheat and wheat products. Gluten, which is wheat's primary binding ingredient, is at the core of the issue. There are other concerns as well.

Bloating, indigestion, weight gain, lethargy, autoimmune issues and serious diseases such as Celiac are suspect. Celiac attacks the small intestine and creates difficulty in digesting food.

Celiac disease has increased over 50% since 1960.

Has Wheat Bread Been Compromised?

I for one, believe that our food sources have been compromised in three key aspects.

Number One: The way most of our food is grown is suspect, due to all the pesticide and herbicide usage, toxicity levels, and the concentration on volume. Now we also have to be concerned about GMO's - Genetically Modified Organisms!

It is well know in scientific circles, that higher uses of fertilizer equals correspondingly lower nutritional values and higher starch and gluten content.

Secondly: Most of our foods are over-processed. It is my contention that a lot of nutritional value is lost in this step. When wheat is processed to make white flour, they remove much of the germ and the bran fiber.

Thirdly: We must be concerned how flour is turned into bread dough. Yeast plays a key role.

If our food supply had the nutrition levels of even a 100 years ago, I dare say, there would be a great deal less need for antacids products and the like. Maybe even chemo therapy, etc..

If our country was really concerned about Health Care, this would be a great place to start.

The chance of this happening is slim to zero.

I'm afraid the green "dough" has ruled in this whole process and we consumers are the losers.

Nutrition is at the bottom of the list.

Healthy Sourdough Bread is My Choice

I made a decision recently to reduce and minimize my intake of wheat products. I did this because I have had severe stomach issues in the past and while my supplement regime (which includes daily probiotics and enzymes), has helped a great deal, I felt it might be time to add another element to my approach.

I can't imagine how anyone can give up wheat entirely - it's in so many foods. Breads, Cereals, Pasta, Pastries, Crackers, Pizza, Meatless Entrees. You get the idea.

I think bread would be the hardest to give up. For me and my diet, it is a staple.

So, I have turned my attention to Sourdough Bread and 100% Whole Wheat Organic Flour - non GMO preferably.

Photo by Author

Turning Flour Into Healthy Bread

The process of turning quality whole wheat flour into wholesome Sourdough bread is entirely different than the typical bread on most grocery store shelves.

Yeast was introduced just in the last 100 years or so. Before that, all bread was made by using only the natural starter that exists in flour and water. Sourdough's fermentation secret is inherent in Mother Nature's bacteria and yeasts, which is in the flour itself, as well as the water and the air.

Somehow this process makes the gluten and starch in sourdough more digestible and the sugar content easier for the body to absorb

Commercial breads cannot begin to match this process.

Does Healthy Sourdough Bread Work For Us?


I saw a clear difference in a matter of days. I simply felt better. When I eat less than stellar wheat products, feeling better suffers.

Once you train your pallet for the healthy benefits of sourdough, no matter what healthy grain you chose - white, whole wheat, rye, spelt, multi-grain, etc., all other breads can no longer compare.

My wife was diagnosed with lupus back in 2006. She has been on a special diet ever since. Sourdough is the only bread that she can eat without side effects.

My next goal is to start making my own Sourdough products. I have my starter and I'm in the middle of getting ready to make my first loaf!

On Sourdough Taste

Sourdough does have a slightly sour taste. It's only a matter of a short time before your pallet comes to the place where it will thoroughly enjoy the flavor.

If you are at all serious about the quality of the flour you want to use, look for stone milled, organic, non-GMO, 100% whole wheat, that is ground (not smashed) on slow turning cool stone.

Those that know bread, know that there is no better bread than Real Sourdough.

Has Wheat Bread Been Compromised?
  1. Great Report on Sourdough & Wheat
  2. Sourdough is My Choice
  3. Turning Flour Into Bread
  4. Has it worked for Us?
  5. Bread Mixers ?
  6. Great Sourdough Info and Recipe
  7. Take Note
  8. Activating Your Starter
  9. Feeding Your Activated Starter
  10. How to Make Sourdough Bread
  11. More From Floman

Exerciser 2000 Elite REVIEW - Read This BEFORE Trying

The Exerciser 2000 Elite Passive Exercise Machine - Does It Really Work?

Can passive exercise really manage pain and improve our well-being in most of the same ways that active/aerobic exercise does?

My professional background includes 15 years as a Nursing Home Administrator. We relied heavily on Physical Therapy and Range of Motion exercises to assist our patients in the improvement of their health and mobility.

These exercises were a combination of passive and active, based on the patient's condition. Some patients could do both active and passive, most could only do passive. Without the help of passive exercises the health and well-being of many of our patients would have suffered greatly.

We are all aware of the many benefits of regular exercise, for all ages, whether it be active or passive:

Increased Energy Level - Oxygenates the Blood - Improved Circulation - Heart Health - Lowered Blood Pressure - Increased Lymph Movement - Diabetes - Reduced Fatigue - Depression - Increased Heart Rate -
Calories Burned - Control Weight - Muscle Tone - Increased Metabolism - Reduced Stress - Lymph Fluid Movement -
Joint Health - Improved Flexibility - Relaxation

The Clark Exerciser 2000 Elite passive exerciser has proven it will provide positive results in all of these areas. 

Of course you can find circles where the benefits of passive exercise are debated, but just Click Here and read the many testimonials by users in response to 34 different health issues from Arthritis to Stiff Muscles.

All these responses come from individuals providing their own self-healing by way of the Clark Exerciser. And they do it without adding any harmful stress or impact to their joints. This is real home health with NO side effects.

And it all took place while they were lying down!

The Exerciser Elite was designed to benefit all ages and most circumstances. It can be included as part of your regular active exercise, both before and/or after. Using the unit before exercise readies your muscles and using the unit afterwards helps the winding down process.

I walk five days per week, do stretching six days per week, and I still need the relaxing benefits of the Exerciser.

If you are one of those people who simply does not like to exercise or if you are disabled and can't be as active as you would like to be, but need the benefits of passive exercise, this well-built machine is definitely the answer.

Operating the unit is extremely easy. Just lie down on your back, place your ankles on the cushioned sheep skin covered (optional) ankle rest, power up the unit by using the hand-held
controller, select the desired speed and time, and you're on your way to self-healing.

The machine does the rest by providing a less than 2 inch side to side gentile swing motion of your lower extremities. This basically describes Chi therapy.

The unit comes with very clear instructions about what times and speeds you should use to meet your needs.

The Exerciser can be purchased directly from Clark Enterprises.

Use this promotional code to receive free shipping when ordering from Clark : AFFSHIP